30 Years ago PBS debuted an awesome TV show by the name of Ghostwriter. The plot followed a group of kids who partner with a mysterious ghost resembling a period to solve mysteries. This show was highly relatable, the group of kids were very diverse. None of them possessed any powers or fighting skills, they were regular kids who used their brain power to their advantage.
The show incorporated alot of sleuthing and alot of reading and writing to solve clues. The team even had their own pens that they used and wore around their necks to write clues down quickly. The impressionable kid that I was, I went and found a pen that I could wear around my neck so I could be cool like them. Many episodes also were an story arc told over multiple episodes, which highlighted the importance of long-term storytelling.
My favorite episodes were the Gooey Gus slime episode, the episode where team member Alex gets introduced to weed. With the heavy message of the early 90's just say no sprinkled throughout the episode. As well as the first story arc of the series with the bookbag stealing bandits known as Thabto.
Looking back at how often I watched it, it's a shame the show only lasted 3 seasons. It could have ran for many more seasons and it's legacy deserves way more love. A reboot aired on Apple + in 2019 and I'm not sure if it does the original any justice or not, but apparently it was well received. Which is a good thing and I hope fans of the revival, go back and check out the original.
What a show Ghostwriter was!
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