Monday, March 3, 2025

She's Dangerous-5 Underrated Female Action Heroines


When it come's to action film's and the female action hero, there have some badass women on the silver screen. Often in films they can hold their own and don't let anything get in their way. If you ask the average filmgoer about badass female action heroes, for most of them you will hear about The Bride in Kill Bill, Charlie Baltimore in Long Kiss Goodnight, Trinity in The Matrix, and of course the pioneers in Ellen Ripley from Aliens and Sarah Connor from the Terminator series. Well I'm here to share 5 underrated female characters in action movies that kicked ass and looked good doing it.


Gunpowder Milkshake is a 2021 Netflix original, that I honestly think got lost in the shuffle of being released in that weird pandemic phase, where people were trying to return to normalcy but we weren't quite there yet. And as such Netflix didn't promote it as much as they should have. Starring Karen Gilliam (Gamora in Guardians Of The Galaxy) as Sam. A young lady who has been raised to be an assassin since her mom who was also an assassin was killed in front of her as a child.

When she pivots on a job and rescues a little girl instead of doing her assignment, all hell breaks loose. Sam alongside her sisterhood of assassins show they can fight and handle heavy artillery with the best of them.

 Lorraine Broughton

If you say to someone not well versed in movies that Charlize Theron, one of the prettiest woman in the world kicked ass in a movie. You may get the really treatment? But that was the case in 2017's Atomic Blonde, a trippy 80's set action movie set before the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Theron stars as Lorraine Broughton a MI6 agent tasked with recovering "The List". A document containing every agent from every covert and intelligence agency around the world, currently working in Berlin. As you can imagine many people want that list, so Lorraine puts her best foot forward and ensures that doesn't happen.


First, congratulations to Zoe Saldana for winning an academy award for best supporting actress. She deserves the honor and has been putting in work for years with a versatile resume. One example being the 2011 film Colombiana. Saldana stars as Cataleya a young lady who is an successful assassin, and has been plotting for revenge since she was 9 against the drug lord who killed her parents.

Once she starts down the path of taking down the drug lord and his army. She uses survival skills, smarts, stealth, and some kick ass gunplay to get the job done. 


The Underworld film series has become a cult classic, since the first films debut in 2003. However, I still don't think the film gets it's proper credit for it's world building and mythology of the constant battle between vampires and lycans (werewolves). 

Right in the middle of the action is a vampire "Death Dealer" named Selene, played by Kate Beckinsale. Being a vampire, Selene benefits from hyper reflexes to aid in fights. Besides hand to hand combat, she was skilled in multitude of weapons from ancient bow and arrows to modern machine guns. She more than held her own against armies of henchmen and the final boss of respective films in the series.


Alicia Marcus better known as Alice, has endured an awful lot across the six films in the Resident Evil film franchise. Played by Milla Jovovich in the film's, Alice does everything in her power to limit the spread of the T-virus. Which was created to cure her from a rare disease.

Fighting large swaths of not so average zombies can be exhausting. Somehow Alice got it done, whether using her fist as a weapon, her body, or some trusty weapons. She often came out on top against the competition, prepared to fight another day.


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