Thursday, May 9, 2024

Five Criminally Overlooked Adventure Movies


Following up on my recent blog about action adventure film's missing in Hollywood's slate these dates. I started thinking about the classics of that genre, as well as film's that are very good in their own right. However, for whatever reason it just did not connect with the audience, and have been lost in the realm of endless amounts of entertainment. So with that here are five overlooked action adventure film's that deserve more love.

5. The Phantom

The Phantom is a 1996 film starring Billy Zane, Kristy Swanson, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Treat Williams. It's based on the pulp comic strip, following Billy Zane as the hero who has followed a 400 year family tradition to withhold justice as "The Phantom". He's racing against Treat Williams and crew for the macguffin, The Skulls of Touganda three skulls made of different raw material which provides it's holder with immense power.

The film has some corny dialogue and Zane may not have been the right guy for the leading man role, but it's structure and concept are straight adventure films. It features shootouts, sword fights, fist fights, dangerous bridges and everything else you'd look for in a an adventure movie. While similar films like The Shadow have gained popularity over the years, it's sad The Phantom is still overlooked.

4. Zathura: A Space Adventure

The 2005 film Zathura is based on the 2002 book of the same name, which is considered a "sequel" to the Jumanji book. Starring Tim Robbins, Dax Shephard, Josh Hutcherson, and Kristen Stewart in one of her earlier most famous roles. It follows the same premise as Jumanji instead of a board game based in the jungle, this one is based on space game. With all the action taking place in the main character's home, and it has been uprooted to space. 

The main characters fight off meteor showers, aliens, and other space related road blocks, they also learn about sibling relationships in the process. The film wasn't a box office success upon it's debut and has suffered the same fate going on 20 years later of being overlooked. Which is a shame as it's a rather imaginative movie featuring a lot of practical effects, and should be given a chance. 

3. Tomb Raider-2018

This updated take on the Tomb Raider film's from the early 2000's was released in 2018. Starring Alicia Vikander, Dominic West, Daniel Wu, and Walter Goggins. This film is an origin story for Lara Croft as such it stands apart from the Angelina Jolie led film's. Lara is not a formidable fighter or tomb raider just yet, and has to learn as she goes along. While learning there is more to her father Lord Richard Croft and his company than she previously was aware of.

There's some good archery skills displayed in this film. Globe trotting, and of course the usual macguffin that causes the globe trotting. Alicia Vikander hold's her own as Lara, and really grows into her role as the film progresses. It is a more realistic and gritty approach to the tomb raider world and maybe that's why people shied away from it. Which is disappointing, as they truly missed out a newer gem in the action-adventure genre. 

2. Prince of Persia

Prince of Persia: The Sands Of Time was released in 2010 and stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Alfred Molina, Ben Kingsley, and Gemma Arterton. Based on the video game series of the same name, it was a deliberate attempt by Disney to follow the same model as Pirates Of The Caribbean and create a new film franchise. Unfortunately thing's did not go as planned, with one contributing factor likely being the whitewashing of the cast. Something Hollywood continues to struggle with to this day with films.

Outside of that, the movie had an entertaining plot, effects, and action sequences. Complete with sword fights and chases throughout the streets of Persia. The box office returns were ok, and critics even admitted it had a few flaws but was one of the better video game adaptations. Many can agree Gyllenhaal may not have been right for that role, and that became the main story of the film. Don't listen to the naysayers, if you've never seen it give it a shot.

1. Adventures of TinTin

Based on the French comic strip, 2011's Adventures of TinTin was intended to be the first film in a trilogy series. With each film in the trilogy directed by separate high profile directors, Steven Spielberg directed the first one, while Peter Jackson was slated for the second one. I don't remember who the third director was supposed to be. The film was all CGI and starred Jamie Bell as TinTin, Daniel Craig as Ivan Sakhraine, and Andy Serkis as Captain Haddock. Nick Frost, Simon Pegg, and Toby Jones are other well known actors who rounded out the cast.

The film starts off with a bang and only picks up from there, never truly slowing down even when advancing the plot. Since it is an animated film, the action stakes are a little higher and the characters travel around the world with more ease. Resulting in several exciting chases including an airplane chase. The movie did alright at the box office, was revered by critics and actually was nominated and won several awards. Unfortunately it did not connect with audiences, and as such did not receive the popularity that it should.

Make no mistake about it, if you like a good adventure film and have not yet seen this movie. make it an priority like today to watch it.


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